This one is my favourite ^^
Monday, 30 January 2012
Studio Set Plans
Here are a few ideas I have put together for my tv set. They are based on the one I posted below. I really like the idea of having a feature wall. I think they look good and will save me time as I will only have to put the design on the main wall and just paint the other walls with plain colours.
Studio Set Ideas...
Today I have spend ages and ages researching into different studio set designs to get an idea of what my main set might look like. Most of them are really complicated and would require a lot of hard work, money and time to make. I want my studio set to be simple yet creative. This one is a perfect example:
It is fairly simple, yet it is eye-catching and fun! I think I might base my set on a design like this. Next, I will draw up my own plan of my set!
It is fairly simple, yet it is eye-catching and fun! I think I might base my set on a design like this. Next, I will draw up my own plan of my set!
Backdrop Ideas
These are some other designs I found that might work well for my green screen backgrounds.
These could work - maybe a different colour for each interview

These could work - maybe a different colour for each interview

This one particularly reminded me of the 90's!
This one is more subtle but still has a retro kind of feel
Green Screen Fun!
I have started to think about set design for my television show. This is going to be a fun, lively show so I definitely want to use a lot of bright colours. For my interviews, I don't want to have to make loads of different sets so I thought greenscreen would be a good idea. I found these images online of brightly coloured greenscreen backgrounds that I will use for inspiration.
Here is a questionnaire I have made to distribute to 90's kids. I hope to find which toys they remember the most, and which were their favourites. When I get the results, I will look through the answers to see which toys come up more than once to see which were most popular.
90’s Toys Questionnaire
1) What is your gender?
Male Female
2) Which age group do you belong to?
10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 30+
3) Which toy do you remember being most popular in the 90’s?
4) Which of the following did you have as a kid?
Furby Pogs Pokemon Cards Super Soaker Tamogotchi Beanie Babies
Power Ranger Figures Gameboy Polly Pocket Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5) Please list other toys you associate with the 90’s.
6) From any of the toys you owned in the 90’s, which would you say was your favourite?
Thank you!
This is a blog I found online that reviews some of the toys I have looked at.
The 10 most amazing toys of the 1990s
The 1990s were a great decade for toys. While kids these days are increasingly playing with high-tech electronics like iPods and iPhones, us kids of the 90s happily made do with devices that were much less technologically advanced. Below are ten amazing and memorable toys from the 1990s.

Though the Ninja Turtles got their start in the 1980s, it wasn’t until the release of the first TMNT movie in 1990 that the franchise really took off. As one of the most popular action figures lines of the 1990s, us kids were scrambling to complete our sets with Casey Jones, Bebop, Rock Steady and other lesser-known characters. Of course, there were also classic high-end toys like the turtles van that shot spinning pizzas out of it. Cowabunga!

While there are now dozens of Super Soaker water guns, the whole toy line began with one simple pump-action gun that was released in 1991. Sure, every kid has one of these high-powered water pistols nowadays, but when they were new one of these bad boys was a sure way to obliterate your friends who were still packing old-school point-and-shoot models.

Virtual pets got their start in the 1990s, and Tamagotchi was a major player in the business. While the idea of hatching a digital egg and taking care of it so it can “grow up” healthy and happy sounds a little odd, it proved a major hit for us 90s kids. In a big way, Tamagotchi serves as predecessor to more sophisticated games such as The Sims and Nintendogs.

Hey kids, who wants to draw a bunch of rounded geometric shapes!? Yes, Spirograph has been around since the 1960s, but still enjoyed fair popularity during the 1990s. With its assortment of plastic gears and simple use, the Spirograph made the mathematics of spiral art easy and fun enough to hold a kid’s interest. Sadly, in the world of digital design, the popularity of the Spirograh has dropped considerably.

In the 1990s, it quickly became very uncool to be the kid rolling around on a pair of classic quad skates. Suddenly, everyone wanted that cool inline look that mimicked the appearance of actual ice skates. Who can forget rolling around on these bad boys while playing a competitive game of street hockey with friends? After all, we’ve all got the knee and elbow scars to remind us.
5 Koosh Ball
Sometimes, simplicity is the key to a toy’s success. Really nothing more than a bunch of rubber filaments radiating from a soft core, these balls first dropped in the late 1980s. However, their popularity continued in the 1990s, and gave every kid a nice item that he could chuck at his little sister without getting in trouble.
4 Pogs
Pogs was one of the biggest fad games of the 1990s. Every kid in every school across the country meticulously grew their collection and tried out different slammers to ensure maximum winning. Unfortunately, much like the slap bracelet and Trapper Keeper before it, the Pog proved too cool for school, and was eventually banned in most school districts across the country.
3 Magic the Gathering
Magic is the O.G. when it comes to collectible card games. When these cards hit shelves in 1993, it gave Dungeons and Dragons geeks a whole new game to play. Complete with strategy and role-playing elements, it was easy to get sucked into this super competitive card game. While still played today, the game’s popularity definitely peaked in the mid 90s.
2 Pokemon
The Pokemon franchise is arguably the most successful to come out of the 1990s. While everything from plush toys and video games were created, the most nostalgia-inducing Pokemon offering is probably the trading card game. Released in America in 1998, this Magic copycat allowed Poke Trainers to pit their collection of Pokemon against each other in the real world.
Sometimes, simplicity is the key to a toy’s success. Really nothing more than a bunch of rubber filaments radiating from a soft core, these balls first dropped in the late 1980s. However, their popularity continued in the 1990s, and gave every kid a nice item that he could chuck at his little sister without getting in trouble.

Pogs was one of the biggest fad games of the 1990s. Every kid in every school across the country meticulously grew their collection and tried out different slammers to ensure maximum winning. Unfortunately, much like the slap bracelet and Trapper Keeper before it, the Pog proved too cool for school, and was eventually banned in most school districts across the country.

Magic is the O.G. when it comes to collectible card games. When these cards hit shelves in 1993, it gave Dungeons and Dragons geeks a whole new game to play. Complete with strategy and role-playing elements, it was easy to get sucked into this super competitive card game. While still played today, the game’s popularity definitely peaked in the mid 90s.

The Pokemon franchise is arguably the most successful to come out of the 1990s. While everything from plush toys and video games were created, the most nostalgia-inducing Pokemon offering is probably the trading card game. Released in America in 1998, this Magic copycat allowed Poke Trainers to pit their collection of Pokemon against each other in the real world.
1 Super Nintendo
With the release of the SNES, Nintendo gaming technology doubled to an AMAZING 16-bits. Of course, the number of controller buttons also doubled, and us kids were transfixed in front of the TV screen for good. Classic SNES games included Donkey Kong Country, Street Fighter II, Star Fox and F-Zero. It was also the first console to feature a Super Mario Kart game.
With the release of the SNES, Nintendo gaming technology doubled to an AMAZING 16-bits. Of course, the number of controller buttons also doubled, and us kids were transfixed in front of the TV screen for good. Classic SNES games included Donkey Kong Country, Street Fighter II, Star Fox and F-Zero. It was also the first console to feature a Super Mario Kart game.
The 90s were a big decade for video games. Other consoles that are obviously worth mentioning include the Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64 and Playstation.
Next Step...
Ok, so I have began researching into 90's toys and I think it's time to pick a top ten for my show. When I search for '90's toys' on the internet, some of them come up on every list. This tells me that they are probably the most popular and the ones that people remember the most. These are:
- Furbies
- Pokemon
- Power Rangers
- Beanie Babies
- Pogs
- Gameboy
- Tamagotchi
1990s favorite toys
This is a video I found on Youtube that shows a few examples of 90's toys. Ignore the really annoying voiceover and music!
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